Edmonds is located on Puget Sound in Snohomish County, WA. Founded in 1975, the City of Edmonds Arts Commission (EAC) ensures the arts are a vital part of Edmonds quality of life, economic vitality and central identity. Programs include: 

City of Edmonds Arts Commission / Cultural Services Office

Community, Culture and Economic Development 

Frances Anderson Center | 700 Main St. | Edmonds WA 98020

425-771-0228 | eac@edmondswa.gov


City of Edmonds Creative District Gateway Project Call-To-Artists

The City of Edmonds Arts Commission is seeking an artist or artist-led team to create a three- dimensional site-specific commission as a welcoming feature for the Edmonds Creative District located in Anway Park adjacent to Washington State Ferry holding lanes in Edmonds. Up to three artists will be selected based on qualifications and compensated for development of site-specific creative concept proposals prior to final selection.  

Project budget: $115,000 

The budget constitutes the total final design, fabrication, and installation budget for the selected artist. 

Eligibility: Open to professional artists living in WA, OR, or CA. 

Deadline: Aug 19, 2024

Application: Online application through Submittable is required. Use form below and follow instructions. 


The goal of this opportunity is to draw visitors in with an engaging artwork installation that reflects community creativity. Designated as the State’s first Certified Creative District in 2018, downtown Edmonds is a vibrant hub for cultural activities and creative businesses. The City of Edmonds Arts Commission, in partnership with the Edmonds Arts Festival Foundation, and the Edmonds Creative District, is seeking an artist or artist-led team to design, fabricate and install site-specific artwork for a proposed Creative District Gateway project which incorporates art at a key entry point for visitors to Edmonds and people passing through Edmonds on their way to the Olympic Peninsula via the Washington State Ferry. The location, Anway Park, provides an opportunity for a creative visual installation that will bring focus to the arts and cultural elements integral to Edmonds Creative District. In addition to the artwork, informational elements about the Creative District will be located in the park. 

The project supports three main goals of the Edmonds Creative District: to enhance the creative identity of Edmonds; enhance creative experience and placemaking; and support retention and expansion of a strong creative sector through engagement in art. The Gateway Art Project will activate the space and provide a welcoming focal point for visitors who plan to return to the Creative District. 


Anway Park is a small City of Edmonds park located next to the ferry holding lanes, adjacent to the public bathrooms, a dog walk area and a coffee stand. It is used by thousands of travelers on the Edmonds-Kingston Ferry, as well as part of popular walking routes. The commission may be for a single element or a series of elements that work in conjunction with park entry access, landscaping and restroom building within the constraints of Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) right of way. The site is landscaped with a central pathway which previously supported a large art element (subsequently relocated) and a small concrete sculpture located on the east edge of the site. Locations for proposed art elements are flexible but require final approval from the Parks Department. The main sidewalk adjacent to the holding lanes and a portion of the adjoining lawn is WSDOT right of way. 


A budget of $115,000 is available for the final design, fabrication and installation of the artwork by the selected artist/artist team. The budget includes, but is not limited to: artist fees, materials, fabrication, storage, delivery, foundation design/engineering, site preparation and foundation construction, insurance, travel, and sales tax. Access for installation will be arranged with WSDOT/WSF by the City. The selected artist/artist team will be encouraged to work closely with City staff on integrating the proposed artwork into the park property and landscape. 


The artist for this commission will be selected through an RFQ process, with the final artwork proposal selected from competitive proposals of up to three finalists. The selection panel will include members representing the Edmonds City Council, Edmonds Arts Commission, Edmonds Arts Festival Foundation, and Edmonds Creative District.  

Based on review of qualifications, the artist selection panel will invite up to three finalists to prepare site-specific design proposals. Finalists will be required to participate in an on-site orientation before preparing their proposal materials. Finalists each receive a $1,700 stipend to attend the orientation, develop a conceptual design proposal, and present the proposal to the selection panel at an in-person public meeting. In addition to the proposal fee, out-of-region finalists will be partially reimbursed for pre-approved travel costs for one trip to Edmonds to participate in the proposal presentation. Following the public meeting and review of comments, the selection panel will reconvene to review the finalists’ proposals and select one artist for the commission. 

The selected artist will be required to present their proposal to the Edmonds City Council for approval during a virtual or in-person Public Hearing. Approved travel costs for the selected artist to present their proposal in-person will be paid by the City. 

SCHEDULE (dates subject to change)

Deadline for Entry   Aug 19, 2024

Notification of Finalists   Aug 30 – Sept 5, 2024 

Finalist Orientation    TBD (September 5 - 16, 2024) *

Presentation of Proposal at Public Meeting  TBD – October, 2024

Notification of Selected Proposal  TBD – October, 2024

Final design work, fabrication, installation November 2024 – June 6, 2025    

*Applicants are required to be available in this timeframe to participate in an in-person site orientation if selected as a finalist


Finalists will be selected based on criteria that include the following:

· Strong, innovative approach to design as demonstrated in the submitted application materials;

· Experience in creating durable works of public art for exterior sites which contribute to placemaking; 

· Perceived ability to create an engaging, welcoming experience; 

· Perceived ability to engage people of varied ages and backgrounds;

· Understanding of the project. 

The selection panel reserves the right to make no selection from the submitted applications or finalist interviews. The panel’s recommendations are subject to approval by the Edmonds Arts Commission, Edmonds Arts Festival Foundation and Edmonds City Council.


Using the form below, you will need the following:

· Cover Letter –In 500 words or less (approximately one page), describe your interest and abilities relative to the commission goals, and how you would approach this commission considering your past work. Specifically address the selection criteria, including your innovative design approach, experience with exterior artworks and placemaking, and ability to create an engaging and welcoming experience for diverse audiences. Applicants are NOT asked to submit a proposal as part of the RFQ application.

· Résumé – Two-page (maximum) current professional résumé. Keep formatting as simple as possible. Microsoft Word or PDF format. References should be included. Teams should upload a single document with two-page résumés for each team member.  

· Work Samples – Eight (8) to ten (10) digital images required. A link to video of work samples is acceptable, but the total work samples cannot exceed ten (10). If applying as a team, a maximum of 10 images inclusive of all team members. Include a Work Sample document listing the specific information regarding the samples.

· Digital Images: Upload JPG or PNG files only. Images must be under 2 MB in size and at least 72 dpi.  

· Video/Audio:  If these media relate to your art practice (i.e., to show kinetic artwork, gradations of light or sound-based art) video/audio samples must be submitted via link to Vimeo or YouTube, with the specific URL (e.g., vimeo.com/2992575) noted on the Work Sample document. All video/audio submissions must be publicly accessible. Password protected files will not be accepted. Timed excerpts are preferred, but longer samples may be submitted with notation in the Work Sample document with start and stop times for each file. Please limit to a cumulative run time of up to 3 minutes.  

Questions - For more information on this project, please contact Frances Chapin, City of Edmonds Arts & Culture Manager, frances.chapin@edmondswa.gov 

Edmonds Arts Commission:  www.edmondsartscommission.org

Edmonds Creative District: https://www.edmondswa.gov/doing_business/edmonds_creative_district

City of Edmonds Arts Commission